

Practicing Oil Analysis July 2004

Featured Article

Jim Fitch, Noria Corporation

It is often said that a well-engineered oil analysis program has three essential categories. In the past, I’ve referred to this as the iron triangle of oil analysis. The three categories...

Greg Livingstone, Clarus Technologies

Maintaining clean oil is one of the best investments maintenance departments can make. If there is any doubt about this statement, the following statistics should remove it. For instance,...

Mark Mayworm, Westar Energy

In 2002, Westar Energy made the decision to aggressively implement a lubrication management program throughout its six plant facilities. Management recognized that change needed to start with...

Guy Nadeau, Herguth Laboratories, Inc.; William R. Herguth, Herguth Laboratories, Inc.

Working in an oil analysis/tribology laboratory can be challenging. The technical challenges generally involve selecting the right tools to perform an effective analysis in a timely and economical...

John Evans, Wearcheck Africa

Over the last 10 years, there has been a paradigm shift that has seen maintenance become almost synonymous with achieving reliability. To truly understand this shift, it is important to know the...

J. Schindler, Austin AL; Mike Steves, Pall Corporation; Gary Rosenberg, Pall Corporation

In fluid systems, the fluid acts as a repository for component wear debris, fluid break down products and contaminant ingressed from outside the system. Thus, evaluating debris in hydraulic,...

Water contamination in lubricating oil accelerates the natural oxidation that normally takes place in the oil. Even when additives are used to retard the natural process, the presence of water will...

Don Searles

Thou shalt select thy lubricants to provide the viscosity and additives needed to prevent metal-to-metal contact at the operating temperature of thy machinery. Thou...